
Sunday, November 24, 2013


Hello, it's me again.
It's been a long time without any writings. I miss writing. Pouring thoughts into words is one of my kinds of catharsis, but lately.....(I don't mean to mention all the things I've been through, but) I had a really rough time. Literally.

So, it's November and Jogja has been so gloomy these days.
Gloomy. That's the only word came up in my mind whenever I think about November. Despite all the 'mostly rainy' and 'mostly windy' and 'rarely sunny', November personally gives me that really gloomy feeling.
Maybe this is the curse of being born on November.
November is the time when I always take a look on what I've done and who I've become. And it always gets me terribly sad; realizing that I'm gaining some things by losing the other things. I can't be sure of do I grow up being a better person, or the other way around. I made so much mistakes I haven't done fixing, losing so much things I probably can never replace.

That's the thing that troubled me in this past 365 days. Like, what else can I do to be friends with it??? I was trying my best to make everyone happy but... time never let me be. I do need some more time for myself and my closest persons. I miss them, a lot. I miss having quality time with these sweet people. I've had enough rough time.
I want my old life back.

An artwork by my dearest Kinanthi Sekar