
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Definitely Maybe

I'm glad that currently I'm enjoying everything I do. Keeping up with my old dear friends, watching movies quiet a lot, spending weekends with family, having enough time to sleep... I feel like I'm living in balance. And i'm happy :)
One thing that I haven't mentioned above but significantly change my life into a better phase is, I enjoy being alone. Literally. I enjoy the times I spend alone. Going to crowded place alone and watch people passing by. Guessing who are they and what kind of life they have been through. It's funny how they all look so fine but none of the crowd knows the truth about them. Maybe he is broken, that's why he comes here with his friends, to get rid of his unpleasant feeling. Maybe she is having a crush with the boy beside her but never has  the gut to confess. Maybe he is sick of listening to her endless babling about her boyfriend because he secretly loves her so much. Maybe she is so happy yet nervous because she will be married soon. Maybe she can't help the ache she feels inside because her dog has just died. Maybe he's feeling so lonely and missing the girl he used to spend his time with. Maybe...maybe...maybe...