
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Do I Even Need to Give It A Name?

I have that kind of tendency to like a song if I can sing it along. Knowing the lyrics, knowing what it is about. Moreover, if it has something related with me. Most of all, it goes this way. But sometimes, I'd prefer listen to a completely strange mixtape which I can only listen to its music, enjoying every sound without bothering myself with the idea of understanding what it actually means.
The same thing goes with people. People whom I know personally, who has something in common with me... I'd prefer being surrounded by these people, most of the time. But sometimes, there comes a time when I just wanna be a stranger to strangers. Another human beings whom I don't need to know who, whom I don't need to understand why. To have a guarantee that this is a kind of 'one night stand'. To know that there will be no judgement for whatever happens, for at least the judgement has no impact. To be reassured that they don't come to stop by, because they're people who's passing by.