
Sunday, February 5, 2017

And Now It's Gone

Couple days ago I had a little talk with my dad. He was telling the story about how he lost his father. I must admit that I know nothing about my grandpa other than his name, because he had passed away long before dad even meet mom. After dad finished telling me the story, I began to realize that I don't know much about dad. We've been living together under the same roof since the day I born. But unlike him who knows everything about me, I barely know him. His childhood moments, his relationship with his parents, what makes him who he is right now... I know nothing other than the ones he told me, or what people told me about him. 

Because there were no Facebook, or blogs, or Instagram, or Twitter, or Youtube channel. Dad, and other people around his age, have no record about themselves. They didn't post selfies with nice caption in it. They took photos on special occasion and hung it on the wall. They didn't tell the world what's on their mind. They shared their thoughts to the ones they cared about. They didn't talk to their relatives who lived abroad. They made conversation with the people around them. They didn't create persona. They built personality.

Back to 2013, I watched Her for the very first time at the cinema and it haunted me for quite a long time. It scared the hell out of me, to think that someday this world would be like that. To think that I would live my life like Theodore Twombly. Coming home from work, greeted by imaginary friend instead of actual human being. It's just... sad. As the movie ended, it left a heartache in me. Maybe, just maybe, because deep down inside I knew that sooner or later it would come to our reality.

Three years passed faster than the speed of sound. I came home from lunch date with my boyfriend. We said goodbye, and five minutes later we said hello through the screen. I know what my friends are up to just by looking at the screen. I can buy the things displayed on the screen. I order foods by touching the screen. I talk to people behind the screen.

Social medias have changed the way we live our life. We care a little bit too much about recording, capturing, writing, updating, posting, and creating our life on social media. We have a talk, share the laugh, telling stories, making memories, on social media. We hold phones longer than we hold hands. We stare at the phones longer than we stare each others' eyes. Are we really sharing or are we just bragging? Why do we capturing pictures but forget to enjoy the moments? Since when scrolling down becomes the new way of having fun?

I miss the old time. But now it's gone. And what's gone is gone. We are welcoming the whole new world where we are all alone among the crowd.