
Friday, July 8, 2011

Lesson in Life

A wise man sat in the audience and cracked a joke.
Everybody laughed like crazy.
After a moment, he cracked the same joke again.
This time, less people laughed.
He cracked the same joke again and again.
When there's no more laugh in the crowd, he smiled and said;
"You can't laugh at the same joke again and again, but why do you cry over the same thing over and over again?"


Dailynomous said...

because of the repeated cries of a therapy to the heart so as not frozen and stiff to be aware of a situation

Dilla Tasyavani said...

No, the point is... people shouldn't cry over the same thing. I mean, people have to move on no matter how hard it takes, and leave the sadness behind :)

Nurul Qolbi said...

Berulang krn ditolak UI! LOL :D

Dilla Tasyavani said...

tapi mentalku udah jatuh duluan, ga kuat nerusin perang :__(

milka said...

mrinding bacanya :D

Dilla Tasyavani said...
