
Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Now playing: A Beautiful Mess - Jason Mraz

We never know how much a little thing we do impacts someone's life. Never know how a little thing we say gives them a big hope. Never know how a little smile gets them head over heels. Never know how a little chitchat makes them smiling from ear to ear. Never know how a little touch keeps them awake at night. Never know how a little giggle brightens up their day. Never know how a little frown turns their life upside down. Never know how a little tear hurts them like hell. Never know how a goodbye cracks their heart and bones.
Never, never, ever know. 
We often forget that people have feelings too.

There are some people you shall not treat like the rest. They're the people whose heart is in your hand.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Setiap terlibat dalam pembicaraan mengesankan, saya selalu ingin merekam tiap ucapan dan mencatat tiap maknanya. Tapi mungkin kapasitas otak tidak memadai untuk mengingat, apalagi menuangkannya kembali dalam bentuk kalimat.

Entah kenapa saya berani bertaruh, kalaupun Tuhan memberi saya 50 lebaran lagi, saya yakin tidak akan melewatkan satupun dari lebaran itu tanpa kesan.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Cry A River, Build A Bridge, Get Over It

Things to do when you're sad:

1. Listen to sad songs
Music is what makes this whole thing less painful. Y'know there's a Lenka's song goes this way "sing me a sad song and make me feel betteeeer."

2. A cup of coffee
Treat yourself with a cup of hot coffee or hot chocolate. It helps calming your nerve down.

3. Desserts
Because stressed is desserts spelled backwards!

4. Clean up the house
It will distract you from the thought of the cause of your sadness. Y'know, it's like dancing cause you have to move hap hap hap!

5. Take a long long long hot shower

6. Watching movie
If you get drown in sadness then comedy won't get you laugh, it might make you screwed up even more. So, sad movies are way better. Cry your heart out, darling.

7. Sleep
If the things above don't work out then you shall sleep. Sleep always be the best cure for your messed up feeling.

8. At last but not least, Pray
You can always count on God. Don't wish for a lighten weight, wish for a stronger back instead.

Let her cry
if the tears fall down like rain

Let her sing
if it eases all her pain
Let Her Cry - Hootie & The Blowfish

Just So You Know

Now playing: Details in The Fabric - Jason Mraz ft James Morrison

You think you know someone. Then they surprise you. 

Semua orang terlihat biasa-biasa saja, selalu. Belasan, puluhan, ratusan, ribuan orang yang kita temui tiap harinya ingin terlihat baik-baik saja, dan kita juga ingin melihat mereka sebagai sosok-sosok yang baik-baik saja. Terlepas dari entah mereka yang tak mau memberi tau atau kita yang tak mau tau, bahwa mereka sebenarnya jauh dari keadaan baik-baik saja. Everyone feels broken sometimes. Bahkan mereka yang katanya peduli, yang katanya mencintai, bahkan yang benar-benar peduli dan mencintai kalian, nobody can really save you but yourself.
Well, one thing about pain; it demands to be felt.

Humans are made as a creature who loves to seem strong. Saya sendiri senang terlihat baik-baik saja. Kalian pasti juga, kan?

Monday, August 6, 2012


That's what happens. You let people in, and they destroy you.
Build a wall around my heart,
I'll never let it fall apart
Strangely I wish secretly,
it would fall down while I'm asleep
Human is such a weird creature. Hiding ourselves inside the fortress we've built, yet secretly wishing anyone would try to break it down. This is the worst part of letting people in; you let them won the golden ticket taking control over you. Once you cut off the distance you formerly put between yourself and others, you'll get hurt. They say, this is what people do; staying alive for one another. Lemme call it a battle field, where people are busy hurting one another, for the sake of being the winner. What is this? A mob rule? The strongest comes out as the winner. This ain't fun at all, y'know.
Well, somehow it's better to be heartless, because I know I'm not strong enough...