
Friday, February 7, 2014

Bonjour - Merci - Au Revoir

"The ways we speak can affect the ways we think, feel and behave. That’s why sometimes speaking in different languages make you think in different ways." - Psychological facts.

Some of my dear fellas are wondering why do I prefer writing in English than in Bahasa Indonesia. So, that is why.
I live in a society where most of the people (still) think that speaking in English (or other foreign language) makes you look stupid. Like, "What the hell are you doing, smartass?! Showing off your TOEFL score??". Oh I'm so not fluent in English, but... I am willing to learn. Since I can't use English in my daily conversation, I try to write in English here. This is the way I'm training myself, and challenging myself to think in a different way.
Back to the time when I was in high school, I got French as one of the subjects (and I hate that). Two years learning and I got nothing, literally nothing :p Of course "bonjour" "merci" and "au revoir" aren't counted. What I hate the most about French was the pronunciation. The vowels were so confusing. I couldn't even guess how to spell their words. Regrets come late as usual. I began to realize that just like French, English also had confusing vowels, but I could 'guess' how a word is supposed to be pronounced even if it's a new word for me. So...

I plan to take French course sometime soon. Or German. Or Dutch. I'm challenging myself to write a blog post in that language. Wish me luck.

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