
Monday, April 27, 2015

The Age of Worry

It's hard to put my thoughts into words when there's a mess inside my head. That's why I prefer to find the solution on my own rather than asking for help. Because I consider telling people about my problem is causing another problem.
Close your eyes and clone yourself
Build your heart an army
to defend your innocence
while you do everything wrong
But I got stuck. Self-blaming and overthinking made things worse.
I randomly said hi to an old friend of mine and started to talk.
And magic did happen.
I paid attention to every words that I had said. I slowly analyzed what actually happened, what was on my mind, and what burdened me these times.
Then I realized, that I should've done this sooner. Because things suddenly got clearer.
And it's true that there's a light even in the darkest place.
Don't be scared to walk alone
Don't be scared to like it
There's no time that you must be home
So sleep where darkness falls
God only gives you the weight that you can bear, or a little bit weightier to lift you up to the higher place, becoming a better and stronger person. And sometimes you can look around, who knows God has already put someone to help you get through it.
Alive in the age of worry
Smile in the age of worry
Go wild in the age of worry
And say, "Worry, why should I care?"
And after all, just like what my mom told me earlier today, everyone has their age of worry. Where life seems like full of clueless pieces of puzzle. It's okay, you're gonna figure it out by the time. Go try try try, and never give up.

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