
Monday, April 30, 2018

There You Go

As usual, at the beginning of the year I said to myself that I would write at least once a month. And as usual, months went by and none of my words coming out in this platform. Other than my personal daily journal that I bring everywhere with me (which basically just a daily to-do list and random quotes that catches my eyes during the day), I write nothing. I miss those old times where writing used to be my favorite therapy, and the goosebumps that I feel after reading an old post, be it about a glimpse of thought or a life changing event or a mandatory reflective slash overthinking writing on my birthday (which I also didn't do last year).

Life changes a lot, lately. From getting my dream job to resigning and try another opportunity; from dating my bestfriend to marrying him; from leaving my hometown to building a new home. It all happens in a year. In my excuse I would say that there’s too much to write. But the truth is I am nothing more than a lazy ass who keeps on making excuses.

And there it is, the first pointless writing in 2018. 😂

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