
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ain't That Mellow

RT @AlberthieneE: Berbahagialah orang yg dianugerahi rindu. Kamu tahu, rasa itu tak bisa ditipu.

I ever heard that based on psychology study, someone who comes into your dream is actually the one who's missing you the most.
Hemmm. You popped up in my dream this dawn. You, in your red t-shirt, standing in the middle of the crowd and surprisingly, I recognized your presence, in a glimpse. That simple.
You're an old guy from the past. And I'm ensure that you're never gonna be here anymore. You had stayed too long. You should've been gone. Or everything will be a mess. No. Just... just go! I belong to my new chapter of life and please, don't be here. No no no I'm not begging. Ah.
You gotta know that I don't miss you. Oh I know, you won't read this. I write this just to convince myself, I don't miss you at all. So, are you the one who misses me that much? :p

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