
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


"I'm tired. I'm fed up. I wanna stop. Just it.."
"This is your matter of course. You say you're tired, but you end up going the rounds instead of solving your problem"
"I can't solve this"
"Run! As far as you can, as fast as you can!"
"I'm tired even before I start to run. I can't imagine how tiring it will be. I can't..."
"Then what do you want?!"
"What would you do if you were me?"
"I'm not you"
"IF you were me. Oh come on"
"I would ask your advice just like what you do. So, IF I were you and you were me, what would you say to me?"
"What would you say to me? What would you advice me to do?"
"Stop. You'd better save your answer for yourself. That's all that you need"
"But giving an advice is way easier than actually doing it"
"That's it"
"Is he worth it?"
"Answer me. Is he worth it?"
"I don't know.."
"You know exactly the answer. You just don't admit it. C'mon, just for once, be honest!"
"I really don't know!"
"You know! Your heart speaks. It tells you what you should do. Your brain is the one who forbids you"

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