
Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Beginning of The New Chapter

Have you made your 2012 resolution, 2012 wish list, or something in common?
As long as I live, I never made this kind of thing. I never decided how far would I go by the beginning of the year. I even never had any thought of it.
Maybe that's simply because I'm not an organized person. Yes, I never keep my life organized. I don't set any goals, I don't make a list of what-to-do, and I don't even make a note of my homeworkssss. K, I gotta admit that I always tried, yes, always. I bought a block note, telling myself 'write your to-do-list here' 'note your homework here', but as always, things did work only on the first week, and that block note ended up being bloody useless. Don't blame me. I've tried, people. I've tried. Sigh..
The worst of all...... I can barely manage my time. Too much saying "yes", I bet. Time wasted, energy went along, yet nothing I got.

Well, resolution. I need resolution.

I turned 18 a couple months ago. So lemme say, I'm not a kid anymore. I should decide where Imma go, what Imma be, by.....starting organizing life, just to make sure I can keep things on track. So, in this first page of new chapter, I will make a resolution. And the rest 365pages will be filled by the struggles I afforded to complete this mission impossible.
Hufffff. I got a big question now;
Can I make it?
The answer lies a year ahead. Ew, it's likely like a challenge for me. Yeay. *does it sound like I'm mettlesome? Uh honestly I'm not*

2012 Resolution
- Explore yourself.
- Lessen procrastinating. DO IT NOW!
- Eating more vegetables and fruits. P.S: You gotta love 'em, Miss. *brb vomit*
- Do not skip breakfast. No ulcer no cry.
- Read the Qur'an, and do sholat sunnah.
- Say a big NO to your lazybones.
- IP UP! Amen.
- Bicycling to campus.
- Be fuckin' creative!
- Learn to manage time.
- Say yes to opportunities, but don't forget to make use of the word 'no'.
- Be consistent.
- Take the risk.
- Be brave, be confident.
- Put away your negative thoughts, replace with positive ones.
- Don't forget life is not all about black&blue. If it seems so, put some color in it :-)
- Pqriehqrjbasmbnaskdjadafbkehfkakfnkeh *I can't tell you here :-p*
- The most important, choose to be happy!

Well, good luck, me! :-D


Arfian Angga Yulanto said...
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Arfian Angga Yulanto said...

you better print it on a paper and stick it on your wall :D

Dilla Tasyavani said...

Err will do... maybe later ._.

Anonymous said...

be BETTER your self, not be your self :D

Dilla Tasyavani said...

Yey! I'm working out for it, Sir! :-D