
Sunday, January 8, 2012


When two people happen to fall in love one another, then they're making a commitment to bound themselves in a relationship, does it mean there's a guarantee their love story goes happily ever after?

We, all of us, have seen so many things don't work out the way it should. Things go way beyond expectation, and can't be helped. Things stray too far from its track.
Problems. Lies. Betrayals. Untrustworthy. Jealousy. Cheats. Fights. Or anything else in common. Those are roots of breakups.
Or maybe the main root is as simply as what we call boredom. It might ruin love. Ruin everything that has been built for a long time. It might strecth out the bound that has been bonding tightly.
Yea boredom leads love astray.

Have you ever questioned why two people who used to love one each other end up in anger?

Maybe they forget how their heart skipped a beat everytime s/he came across the room. Maybe they forget how they used to smile like a crazy when they got a single hi from him/her. Maybe they forget how the butterflies filled their tummy whenever they saw him/her smiling. Maybe they forget how a goodnight text drove them head over heels. Maybe they forget how they were dying wanted to talk to him/her yet having lack of courage. Maybe they forget how it took their breath away just to say "I love you".
And maybe they forget how they wanted to scream out loud telling the world they just heard an "I love you too".

It's sad to get hurt by your loved one. But it's worse to live without the one you love.
But do you know what's worst? Keep holding on to one you should leggo.

Let go.
Let go shows them you're strong enough to live without them.
Yet, don't look back in anger. They're not your mistake, no.
Regard them as your past to learn. Thank them as ones who made you a better, stronger person.

After let go, just remember to keep moving forward.
What's left, supposed to be left.
Nobody say it's easy. It's hard to move on. Yes it's so damn true. But remember, it's harder to be the one who's left behind.

There are 6,930,055,154 people in this world. Why are you letting just one ruin your life?

Be good to yourself cause you're surely gonna spend your live span with yourself. By that, save yourself. By letting go sadness and pain. Stop holding on to what hurts and make room for what feels good. Leave those who are not worth the prize of getting hurt over and over again. Stay strong, keep moving forward.


ito said...

Sumpah ! kata2nyaa udah kayak ibu rumah tangga !!!!! *loh


Dilla Tasyavani said...

Whuatt?? Ibu rumah tangga??!! Shut the hell up -_-