
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Breakaway, A Little Way

I love travelling. A lot. Especially when I go by myself.
Uh yea, call me overexcited or whatever. But the truth is, I seldom go on a trip without my parents. Y'kno, going to wherever in this planet with those whom you know, like parents, is like having a guarantee of your safety. Going with them is like bringing your home miles away from its former place.
No, it's not the sort of travelling that I meant above. Utterly not.

Go to new places, alone, and one you can depend on is exactly you yourself.
You're kinda showing yourself how well you survive. Being in the highest level of insecurity so that you seem tough and fragile at the same time. Having uncountable me-time and soliloquy, so that you know yourself even better than ever. That feeling of being filled by fears of any bad thing that possibly happens. Being a stranger among the crowd of strangers. Taking chance trying random things you can only do when you're with nobody but yourself. That exciting moment of glory when you happen to get lost and finally finding your way out.
And the greatest feeling is... realizing that you're far far away from ones you love. That's how you give them chance to miss you, vice versa. You're like proving yourself, after meeting a thousand new faces, that nobody can compare how priceless they are in your life.

At last but not least, there you find so many captivating places better than where you settle, thinking how great would it be if only you could spend longer days there, but then finding out the fact that there's no way you can feel any better than being home.

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