
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Where Do We Go

Running what so called "life" ain't a walk in the park. That's why nobody can ever get everything they want. Everybody's got the list of things they want to do, places they want to go, people they want to meet, and wishes they want to be granted... and I've got that too.
I think I've made too much dreams. It seems quite impossible to make it real. I should've hadn't forgot the rule: don't ask for what you can't afford.

But let's just go back to reality. There are some things in particular that no matter how bad you want it, no matter how long your knees are on the floor, no matter how much of your time wasted working it out, you just can't make it. Universe has its own unique way telling you the hard works mean nothing without a fate.

Remember there's a phrase says, "What is truly yours will eventually be yours, and what is not, no matter how hard you try, will never be." Unfortunately that phrase doesn't come with how-to-make-sure-if-the-thing-is-meant-to-be-or-not.
It's like rolling the dice. Ehmm no no, flipping a coin; two sides, yes or no. Nothing in certain unless you try. Ha!  That's it! Don't you think so? There's nothing more sicken than get stuck in uncertainty. Therefore you should try, the result comes afterwards. And the point is, you shouldn't waste your precious time worrying about something that's yet to come, do the best instead.

After all, the journey is more important than where you end up, right?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Little Person

I'm just a little person
One person in a sea of many little people
Who are not aware of me
I do my little job, and live my little life
Eat my little meals, miss my little kid and wife

And somewhere, maybe someday, maybe somewhere far away
I'll find a second little person who will look at me and say;
"I know you. You're the one I'v waited for. Let's havesome fun"

Life is precious every minute,
And more precious with you in it
So let's have some fun
We'll take a road, trip way out west
You're the one I like the best
I'm glad I've found you
Like being around you
You're the one I like the best

Somewhere, maybe someday, maybe somewhere far away
I'll meet a second little person
And we'll go out and play

Little Person - Mayer Hawthorne

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Truth doesn't Hurt

"...we had expiration date..."

I stop for minutes and thinking about that truest truth. Twinge truth.
Basically, everything has it.
Everything's temporal, esp the thing called feeling. Some say it's somewhere between the start and finish line that's count. But don't you sometimes find out yourself wishing for something that lasts forever?
I haven't given up yet. When I finally find something worth keeping for the rest of my life, I'm gonna make it lasts forever. Cause I personally believe... when things are meant to be, it will be.

"Cause this is real, and this is good
It warms the inside just like it should
Most of all, most of all, it's built to last" -- Built to Last, Mêlée

Friday, April 6, 2012


Here I come to the feeling of being sick of being judged.
I know I know, I know exactly what kind of world I am in. People; you, me, they, we, all of us are all so damn busy judging one each other. Vice versa, we're all judged. By the way we talk, the way we behave, our attitude, our sentences, our intelligence, our writings, all the sayings, all the thoughts inside the minds, everything. Our looks, life styles, facial expressions and gestures, the way we dress up, our music preference, literally everything. We got that bound by the time we become the part of universe. There's no way telling people to stop judging, it's definitely not gonna make sense because people will keep judging anyway. That's why the thought of "I will never be good enough" remains being the ghost inside of us. We have no other choice but to deal with it, no matter how sicken it is.
I don't know if it's just me who thinks this way, it seems like...people could've been up in the clouds if they weren't too busy draggin' ones feet to the ground.

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Jar of Hearts

Sometimes even though you're having a good time, you can't help but to stop and think about how much you miss the old times.

Oh how the time flies. I blinked for a second, then I lost the moment. Highschool.

Last night an old friend of mine, out of the blue, came and asked me how life's goin'. I said all iz well. He's on his last year of high school, and seemed helplessly exciting, couldn't wait anymore second to put off his putih-abu-abu and be an "anak kuliahan".
Well, I know how it feels like I know the back of my hand. Yes, I've been there once, a year ago. That wanting-of-changing, metamorph-in-progress atmosphere.

How boring it was; s-c-h-o-o-l.

Y'know, rules, teachers, homeworks, reviews, midterms, exams, and stuffs. Yes, universe has shown you the use of your middle finger.But go back in time, you got friends, ones you know you can count on.

D : "OMG I forgot we have to submit accounting assignment!! I don't bring mine..."

X : "Hey chin up! I even haven't done it at all."

Y : "Me too!"

Z : "Maa brooo, d'you think I'm gonna submit it today? Hell no. Tomorrow!"

I miss y'all, guys :")

You got mates to talk to, for hoursss lyk there's no tomorrow. Nobody thinks about themselves without thinking about others.
You got dramas you could never enjoy at the moment, but later you can keep them to laugh at.
You got that hard time being under pressure when the final exam was about to come. Ones surrounding you were panic as fuck while you yourself were just laid-back like a boss.
You got your heart skipped a beat waiting for university acceptance announcement, then bursted out like a firework knowing you were one of those who had the luck.

You're all, highschool-ers, gotta make your every second count.
Highschool, no matter how irritating it is and no matter how it gives you such a pain in the ass, gives you everything you can never have twice in a lifetime. The time you finally take your step out your highschool period is the time you come to reality. Y'know, life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Buddies, highschool might not be your best time, but surely you're gonna miss your fairytale.

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