
Friday, April 6, 2012


Here I come to the feeling of being sick of being judged.
I know I know, I know exactly what kind of world I am in. People; you, me, they, we, all of us are all so damn busy judging one each other. Vice versa, we're all judged. By the way we talk, the way we behave, our attitude, our sentences, our intelligence, our writings, all the sayings, all the thoughts inside the minds, everything. Our looks, life styles, facial expressions and gestures, the way we dress up, our music preference, literally everything. We got that bound by the time we become the part of universe. There's no way telling people to stop judging, it's definitely not gonna make sense because people will keep judging anyway. That's why the thought of "I will never be good enough" remains being the ghost inside of us. We have no other choice but to deal with it, no matter how sicken it is.
I don't know if it's just me who thinks this way, it seems like...people could've been up in the clouds if they weren't too busy draggin' ones feet to the ground.

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