
Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Anchors Called Secrets

Everyone has a secret they will never tell to anybody.
Secrets, are things that are better left that way, in order to keep our lives going on the right tracks.  Untold. Even to those who are very close to us. Time will help revealing some secrets to some (un)lucky people. But everyone will die with some secrets they still keep, anyway.
We don't tell secrets because we are afraid of what people will be thinking about us after they know the fact that we're not the person they thought we are. That's how secret works. Changing the way they think about us. That's why...that's why we keep on keeping secrets.
You are who you are when no one is watching. Enjoying your guilty pleasure, doing things people never thought you do, playing memories inside your head, listening to songs that bring your mind wanders into somewhere only you know, crying over the past, or maybe wishing you still have a chance to make up your what-could-have-been...

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