
Saturday, June 28, 2014


 I really appreciate people who can sincerely write what comes into their mind into a beautiful writing and have the guts to share it, whatever it is about. With no shame and no doubt. Just being honest. I believe their souls are prettier than their writings.
Just like how I adore those people who like something and dare enough to (oh I really wish I could find a better substitution word to make it sounds more polite) show it off.
Sometimes I don't get it, why some people are cynically bitching about other people who's showing/sharing what they like, what they love, their hobbies, their passions. This world needs more passionate people who are willing to be bold. Brave enough to show who they really are, and proud of it. 

Half of the world's population may envy Sam Shakusky and Suzy Bishop; for they are so bold in such a young age. Fearlessly facing any kind of obstacles for the sake of expressing who they are and what they want while most of us, can not.

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