
Friday, January 30, 2015

Like A Fool

Unless you've ever been in the same road, taking the same journey, having the same would never know how it feels. Since everyone is struggling in their own battles, it's better to take our hands off of anyone else's problem as long as they don't ask for help. I've heard about this and that, for every decision I have made for myself. People won't stop talking but I can choose not to put my attention over those negative comments. But then again, it's easier to be said than to be done, especially for me. I should have swallowed my own advice but this is harder than taking a bitter pill.
I feel like I'm stuck inside a maze and can not choose any of the doors to lead me home. And now every step becomes harder to take. I'm staring at one door but never be sure if it's right and too afraid to get lost. I want to take my step back but still not sure if it can lead me to the right path. It's getting dark and I've got to choose before the sun goes down, but my doubt keeps my feet on the ground. Just like a fool.

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