
Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Heart of The Matter

One day when I finally have kids on my own, I will teach them to clean up their own mess. To throw trashes on the appropriate trash bin. To follow the queue line. Not to use water more than what they need. To say sorry, please, and thank you. Tell them to respect everyone no matter what.
I may not be able to change the world. I may not be able to solve all the problems. This world has been a mess since forever. But I’m sure I can do small things, at least not to worsen this chaotic planet.

(I write this as a promise to myself not to be those kind of parents who tell their kids that it’s okay to be ignorant, selfish and rude. Pardon me but I just can’t hold the anger when I see parents who teach their kids to break the queue and throwing trash anywhere. I can easily find those kind of parents almost everywhere. Those kind of parents who create little monsters.)

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