
Friday, November 20, 2015


This is an annual writing about ...

saying hello to November 14.

I have been shutting down most of my social media accounts. This is the very first time, after these past seven (or eight?) years, birthday greetings feel so real to me. And I feel so happy about it :)
I sincerely thank the people who have been here surrounding me, who care enough to remember this one unimportant thing about me; my birthday. Wishing me meaningful birthday wishes, giving me birthday cakes (and pizza!), and awesome birthday gifts (which are all in pretty pinkish boxes). If you guys happen to read this writing, just so you know, your presence means a lot to me. Thank you :)

(Oh and then this song suddenly played...)
I'm just a little person,
one person in the sea of many little people who are not aware with me
I do my little job, live my little life, eat my little meal, miss my little kid and wife.
somewhere maybe someday maybe somewhere far away
I meet a second little person who will look at me and say
"I know you. You're the one I've waited for. Let's have some fun".
Life is precious every minute
and more precious with you in it.
 Let's have some fun! 
I used to feel bad when it comes to welcoming my new age. Feeling old, unaccomplished, regretting the wasted year, and of course the ultimate "what should/could have been"s.
This time, instead of showering myself with negative vibes, I'm trying to congratulate myself. For whatever I have done this past 22 years.
Congratulation on learning how to talk. How to talk politely. Talk in a different language. I hope you can do better talking in front of public.
Congratulation on learning how to walk. How to walk fast. Walk to the places you have never been before. Walk out of bad relationships. I hope you can walk to a better future.
Congratulation on learning how to read. How to read books. Read people's expressions and opinions. Read the signs and follow the rules. I hope you can manage yourself to read all the books you've bought and buy more books.
Congratulation on learning how to write. How to write stories. Write what comes on your mind. I hope you can be more confident to share your writing, eventhou you had ever been rejected by Bobo 13 years ago. Even if you eventually don't have the gut to share your writings, please don't stop writing. Keep writing for yourself.
And the most important,
Congratulation on learning how to love. How to love your God, believing what you can't see but feel. Love your parents, brothers and sister, the people you call home. Love your friends, who mostly come and go but some wonderful ones choose to stay. Loved the man who once made you believe in fairytale, made you hanging by a fragile thread, experiencing that struggle was goddamn real. Love yourself and your life, always be grateful for it. I hope you never get tired of loving, even after you got your heart broken so many times, because that's what makes you human.

Welcome to the new (p)age.


Unknown said...
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Arfian Angga Yulanto said...

And the so-awaited gift is coming up : Graduation!
Good luck! xx