
Monday, March 28, 2016

Yeah the Truth is...

There’s nothing special in hellos and goodbyes. We face it like almost every time, almost in every phases of our lives. In every beginning, in every ending; since everything has expired date. Don't you think we should’ve gotten used to it?
There’s nothing special in hellos and goodbyes. There’s only some of us who takes it harder than what it should be.
Why don’t we take it as a casual thing?
It’s just that you need to tell where do you grow up, your childhood memories, your relationship with your family. Your favorite bands, your kind of music, your favorite movies, the books that changed the way you see something. Your wildest dream, your weird habits, your obsession towards Jane Austen, how you manage to remember every lines in A Walk to Remember, your delusional thoughts about the existence of Hogwarts. To explain that you’re an over-attached person, that you’re having a love-hate relationship with your car, that you can’t live without your notebook, that you love road trip so much. That you are a goddamn picky eater, that you love the scent of chocolate but hate chocolate bars, that you would love to build a house with a white walls but colorful kitchen, that you choose McD over KFC all the way, that regardless of how you look, you secretly in love with pink stuffs and flowers. To tell about your fears, your midnight thoughts, your scariest nightmare. Your pride as a person, your accomplishments, and your insecurities. Your dreams, and the values you hold for life.
And then you realize you have shared so much to a person who used to mean the world to you. 
That a goodbye can never be easy, and a hello costs a lot more than just a single hi. 
That to share the same vision, to make a room in your life for a new person, to write a new story…is hard.

That, is how you realize that goodbye sucks.

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