
Sunday, September 25, 2016


Tonight I'm thanking God for giving me such a beautiful family.
We just had a good time at the studio. Mom and Dad, eventhou they didn't take big part of the band, looked happy and enjoying the night too.
It's been years since big brother living apart from us for his study, and then he was continuing his work away from home. Long story short, few weeks ago, he got himself resigned from the company he worked for, and decided to stay at home for a while.
Little brother, who used to live away too, chooses to commuter now. So do I. I am no longer living in Jogja eventhou I still work there. But I personally think it's okay to spend 2 hours driving everyday.
So here we are, seven of us reunited again.
It's always been a happy day at home. Because everyone are here. This house is like finding its spark all over again.
You can call me melancholy, but I feel the warm inside of me whenever I join Mom and Dad's karaoke time, having quality time at parents' room, getting into roadtrip-to-whenever with them... No matter how much we love these kind of moments, we know that nothing lasts forever. Including this togetherness. Because eventually, we will live separately. Thus, I wanna capture it in this writing.
We may not be the kind of family who tell we love each other, take a lot of picture in every moment, or showing affection with kisses and hugs.
But we know that we are tied by blood, living by faith, loving with the whole heart.

May Allah always bless us.

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