
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Promise Me, Forever and Ever

"We used to share the same world, you and I went along together, and our conversation seemed like infinite. Now we live separately, you and I own a different world, so our conversation has a limit. What's gonna happen next, when we live in a different space? Can we stand for our conversation?"

One thing you didn't notice that afternoon; I was dying inside, when you said it.
Nothing last forever, they say. But believe it or not, some things are really meant to be forever. And I do hope this will be one of those 'some things'.
Thus, please, promise me forever...


ito said...

Dilla :P mampir .ahahaaa

Nuel Lubis, Author "Misi Terakhir Rafael: Cinta Tak Pernah Pergi Jauh" said...

ini ceritanya lagi LDRan yah?? kata2 bagus...

btw salam kenal sista... ^^

Opi said...

LDR ntu bukannya Long Dick Reduction ya?? hhaha #kiddin

Dilla Tasyavani said...

sekedar konfirmasi, itu kata-kata sahabat saya. sumpah, jauh lebih nyakitin daripada kalo yang ngomong kata-kata itu pacar -_- #curcol