
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lesson Learned!

xivrusafl Lesson learned. What matters the most is your self-suggestion :>

I'm having a problem with my tummy while my body is craving for coffee all the time. Sounds so exaggerating but to be honest, that's my goofy fact. It's been a week since I drank my last cup of coffee and ended curling up on the floor dying. Ok, not that bad but likely like that.
This (or yesterday?) afternoon I was wanting coffee so damn much to boost my horrible *yes, waaaay more than bad* mood. But then I decided not to, and went sleep instead of go buy coffee. I thought my desire had successfully been beaten..

7.00 pm. I was waken up by my little brother. He said my friend came. Ewww my sleep was ruined -_-" I walked out my room with my half-opened eyes and dozy face.
"Hey wazzaaap?" *yawning*
"I texted you. Didn't you read it?"
"Eh? Nope. I always turn my phone off before sleep" *turn on my phone* "wow five texts and two of them are yours. Sorry"
"No problem. What happens eh?"
*squinting eyes*
"I mean, your tweets"
"Oh. Craving for coffee. But you know, my tummy sucks."
"Guess what?"
*squinting eyes*
*handed me bag*
"What's this? Coffee or chocolate?" *sparkling*
"Huaaaa thankyouuuuu" *widely smiling*
"With one condition. Suggest yourself you won't get any tummy ache tonight"
*nod with pleasure* "I hope so"

Been four hours since I drank my mochabella. And apparently Aye was right. All I need is self-suggestion. Alhamdulillah it works :D
Big thanks for your mochabella, Ye! And huuuuuge thanks for your advice!