
Friday, April 8, 2011

Somethin' Cliche

Let's talk about something taboo.
Something started with letter L. Yes, absolutely easy to be guessed.
When a seventeen year old girl talks about this, you know she's just babbling out. So that's why I call this "something taboo"

(p.s : I found this on tumblr. Kinda silly, thou. Hahahaha)

A thing that is often being
interpret, yet misinterpreted.
A word that is often being used, yet misused.
Poor you, Love.
I find myself scrutinizing my friends' tweets and facebook statuses which is 87% containing love matters. Then I ask myself (maybe just like what others ask to theirselves), what-is-love, uh?
Concisely, love is....... what stands between Landon Carter and Jamie Sullivan, or as simply as the way Ashton Kutcher looks at Demi Moore

I know I know, in real life, it can't easily be defined.

But these are some things I know for sure;
Loving someone because of his/her beauty & physical appearance can't be called loving, it's liking. Someday when you see him/her doesn't look as awesome as he/she used to be, you will be no longer liking him/her.
Loving someone because of his/her goodness & kindness can't be considered as loving, it's admiring. Someday when you find him/her doesn't behave as nice as you thought, you will be no longer admiring him/her.
And definitely, loving someone you barely know can't be counted as love, it's stupidity. Cause when finally you know him/her better, you might be disappointed.

People say "I love you" in ease, when actually they doesn't really mean it, even really doesn't know what it means. Look at this silly circle :

How come you say you love someone wholeheartedly but expect him/her to give his/her heart in return?
How come you say you love someone sincerely but all you ever think about is your own happiness?
How come you say you love someone wholemindedly but still hold on your pride instead of let your heart speaks?
How come you say you love someone deeply but easily letting him/her go instead of fighting for him/her?

How come you call it a true love but give up because of the circumstances?
How come you tell him/her "I love you" but couple months later eventually say "I don't love you no more"...?



terus gmn cinta sejati itu?

Dilla Tasyavani said...

ask your mom&dad :p


jawaban yg membingungkann..:D

milka said...

cie,,dilla mbahas c.i.n.t.a

Dilla Tasyavani said...

Adnan : soalnya aku nggak tau. Jadinya mending tanya ke orangtua yg sudah jelas cintanya hahahaha

Milka : eaa eaaaa :p