
Friday, March 23, 2012

For The Best Man in The World

Hey, Daddy. How does it feel waiting for your new girl come to the world?
Hey, Daddy. How does it feel loving a new girl beside your woman?
Hey, Daddy. How does it feel kneeling down, for the second time after proposing your woman, just to tie your daughter's shoe laces?
Hey, Daddy. How does it feel seeing her smiling for being able to ride her first bike?
Hey, Daddy. How does it feel saying "no" when she's crying for a new robot?
Hey, Daddy. How does it feel waving your hand when she's having her fist day of school?
Hey, Daddy. How does it feel when a boy comes asking you for taking her go a date?
Hey, Daddy. How does it feel staying up late waiting her come home?
Hey, Daddy. How does it feel trusting her make her own decisions?
Hey, Daddy. How does it feel when she turns you upset?
Hey, Daddy. How does it feel convincing her that she can?

Hey, Daddy. Thank you for treating me like a princess and warrior at the same time. I don't mean to spoil you, but I will never love any other man as much as I love you.


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