
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Jane Said

"Ah, there's nothing like staying at home, for real comfort"

-Jane Austen

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Finally 18

Thankyou @Felliciaap @ArfianAye @rachmakp @jystb @raranzani @vmgamer for the morning surprise :"D

Thanks Afra, Pita, Bandoro, Satriya, and @PsiUGM2011 for the night surprise :"D

Dan buat kakak-kakak dan teman-teman Humas Lembaga Mahasiswa Psikologi UGM, thanks for the late shocking surprise nya yaaa :__)

So yea, I'm finally 18.

And tremendously happy :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

Lesson in Life

A wise man sat in the audience and cracked a joke.
Everybody laughed like crazy.
After a moment, he cracked the same joke again.
This time, less people laughed.
He cracked the same joke again and again.
When there's no more laugh in the crowd, he smiled and said;
"You can't laugh at the same joke again and again, but why do you cry over the same thing over and over again?"

Monday, July 4, 2011

Somewhere Only We Know

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
sat by the river and it made me complete
oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
so tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin
I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
is this the place we used to love?
is this the place that I've been dreaming of?
oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
so tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin
and if you have a minute why don't we go
talk about it somewhere only we know
this could be the end of everything
so why don't we go
somewhere only we know

(Somewhere Only We Know - Keane)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Wherever I'll be, I know God's plan is the best.

Thus, just let it be :)

With pray,
Dilla Tasyavani

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Note This, Buddy!

Calling someone stupid doesn't make you seem smarter. Even it makes you seem brainless.
Labeling someone as jerk doesn't make you seem like a saint. Even it makes you seem so despicable.
Saying someone heartless doesn't make you seem better. Even it makes you seem way worse.

Note this, buddy.
You're a boy and she's a girl.
Using profanity is utterly NOT cool. Moreover when you tossed it to a girl. Insulted her, humiliated her, disrespected her.. Hey, are you sure you're a boy??!
She regards you as an almost-perfect boy. Your kindness, your patience, your attitude, your everything. To be honest, I used to respect you. I used to believe that you're a a good one, like what she always told me.
But see, it has been proven now that you're worthless. Yeah, you just proved her that you don't deserve her.
All she ever thought about was you, and her guilty. But you didn't get it right. You were so busy blaming her. Cause all you ever thought about was yourself.
Lucky you, she has forgiven you instead of slap you in the face for your bad words.
And lucky her, she's tough enough not to cry over a boy like you.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Galau Anthem

Good songs come and go, but this one stays forever.

Malem-malem gini; yang pada sendirian, apalagi yang lagi nganggur; emang enaknya menggalau.
Dan kalo lagi galau karena hati, pas banget nih denger lagu ini. Let's say, this is Galau Anthem :P

Untitled - Maliq D'Essentials.

Jadi inget tanggal 26 Januari kemarin, waktu Maliq jadi guest star di acaranya anak-anak FKG UGM. Aku sama Epot dateng kesana dan ikut larut dalam kegalauan (ada bahasa yang lebih bagus nggak ya?) waktu si Lale mulai metik gitar akustiknya. Di tengah keheningan penonton. Lagu ini.
Bisa dibilang waktu itu si Angga gaji buta. Dia hampir nggak nyanyi di lagu ini. Yak, semua penonton nyanyi. Entah karena sedang pada lupa Maliq & D'Essentials punya vokalis atau emang tingkat
kegalauan antusiasme penonton sedang terlalu tinggi.
Rasanya pengen lagi deh balik ke momen itu. Bukan momen paling galau sih sebenernya, tapi justru itu momen galau paling bahagia. Karena seenggaknya, waktu itu aku tau ada seribu orang lain yang juga lagi galau.
Dan galau bareng-bareng emang lebih menyenangkan daripada galau sendirian.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dear, Bestie

Thanks for being there when no one even care
Thanks for making me feel like everything when actually I'm nothing
Thanks for whispering I'm good when the world shout out I'm the worst
Thanks for giving me reasons to smile when others give me a lot to frown
Thanks for telling me the truth when people mostly cover it by lies
Thanks for calming me down when I'm blowing up
Thanks for sharing the laughs when I'm about to sullen
Thanks for pulling me up when they keep dragging me down
Thanks for letting me phone you when I'm in tears
Thanks for listening my endless babble
Thanks for helping me get out my distress
Thanks for understanding my immaturity
Thanks for handing me tissue when I cry
Thanks for these years we've been thru
Thanks for the times we've spent together
Thanks for everything

Milka & me ;)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Year Ago...

Perasaan baru kemarin ikut Kartinian.
Masih kerasa ribet-ribetnya urus kebaya, ribet-ribetnya jalan make sepatu hak 11cm, ribet-ribetnya rambut pendek yang maksa dicepol, ribet-ribetnya jalan sengebut siput, ribet-ribetnya latian O Ina Ni Keke...
Masih kerasa juga seneng-senengnya Kartinian pertama, seneng-senengnya make kebaya, seneng-senengnya liat temen-temen yang cantik-cantik & ganteng-ganteng, seneng-senengnya foto-foto di momen langka...
Eee ternyata udah setahun yang lalu.
Cepet banget ya. Apa si waktu emang lagi ikut lomba marathon? Atau aku yang nggak sengaja ketusuk jarumnya Sleeping Beauty sampai-sampai nggak kerasa udah pingsan setahun?
Hmm nggak mau kalah deh sama adik-adik kelas yang lagi pada euforia event Kartinian hari ini. Aku juga mau upload foto-foto *ehem* Kartinian tahun lalu ;>

Sesi Upacara

Sesi Foto

Sesi Lomba *uhuk!* Paduan Suara

Sesi Fashion Show

Sesi Nganggur

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I hate the fact that people love judging.
People live with curiousness as the blood inside their vein. But sadly, they prefer guessing rather than directly asking. And most of those guesses are prejudices.

I keep wondering why people seem like want to know the things that they don't need to know. They judge people's acts without knowing the reasons behind it. They're hardly trying to find out other people's secrets even when they know it means nothing for their own sake. They insist on solving people's problems but end up messing it up.

Oh c'mon, respect others. You aren't the one who lives in this big world. See, people around you are running their life, having their own thoughts, keeping their own secrets, and working out their own problems.

Be good to people, respect people's rights, and you'll get the feedback.
And remember one thing; don't try to involve yourself in someone's problem unless they ask you. People are stronger than you think they are.

The truth is we don't have time to care about what others think. We just have to do what makes us happy & let the world think what they want

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Post for You, A Letter for Me

14 tentang Balasan Surat Sirusa
by Kinanthi Sekar on Saturday, October 23, 2010 at 9:52pm

Bisakah kau berhenti berkata "6 bulan lg?". Terlebih kita berpijak pd detik yg hidup, menggelincirkan kita dr satu masa ke masa lain dg kejutan kecepatan yg luar biasa. Bisakah kau bayangkan ketika semua berganti jadi "6 hari lg?".
Sebuah kebanggaan bagiku utk bisa berteman dgmu, rusa. Janganlah kita bicara ttg kelebihanmu, mereka trlalu sering mengucapkannya.
Adl suatu kebanggaan bgiku utk melihat tingkah konyolmu, mendengar nyanyian indah juga aransemen sesat karyamu, terkagum mendengar argumen mu, kisah roman mu, sgalanya.
Tahukah kau? Aku tak pernah iri dg kecantikanmu, dg sgala ksempurnaanmu. Aku iri, saat kau bisa nonton Ello live, dan saat aku kalah menulis cepat. Ih. Agko m4yah b3uDtz.
Tp sudahlah. Berhenti bicara "sekian bulan lg".
Kita sama" tau, tak perlu titel sahabat dsini. Kau adl salah satu teman brilianku. Yang terbaik yg Tuhan beri untukku. Aku berteman denganmu krn aku nyaman, aku merasa butuh dan dibutuhkan. Bagai jatuh cinta. Yeahs.
Terlalu meyek meyek jk kta bicara "sekian bulan lg". Tak ada mbak ponds yg duduk di jejerku, yg bisa kuajak ngobrol kala pelajaran. Tak ada rusa yg mengeluh kala plajaran seni rupa dan membuatku merasa dibutuhkan. Tak ada cantik yg memamerkan film" keren dan ngajak nonton ditengah krisis global. Tak ada rambut indah yg memberi contekan kala aku khilaf dan lupa (nb: khilaf adl motto hdupku). Tak ada Tasya yg slalu kurebut headset dikuping satunya utk nebeng dan nyanyi seenak dubur. Tak ada Vani yg bkin aku kangen tiap liburan. Tak ada cerdas yg slalu bkin ak kgum dg argumen" dan betah duduk d jamsut slama empat jam. Tak ada tak ada tak ada terlalu banyak. Berhentilah bicara seperti itu. Menyiapkan rencana reuni ke London 5taun lg lebih baik.
Jejer dgmu memang membuatku terlihat idiot di mata guru dan orang", tp apa peduliku. Berteman dgmu membuatku merasa pintar, dan bodoh scr brsamaan. Toh memang mereka bisa menangkap smw luncuran kata express mu?
Aku bangga mjd temanmu.
Orang hebat, pun memiliki kawan yg hebat, yg mampu mengerti.
Jadi inilah yg mmbuatku mrasa brnilai.
Udah ah capek.
Muach. Muach.


We both know, it's hard for us to talk about mushy thingy. We both know, words work way more honest when they're written instead of spoken. We both know, we prefer share laughs to tears.
Well, no matter how many times I re-read your note, I'm always about to cry ;__(

Friday, April 8, 2011

Somethin' Cliche

Let's talk about something taboo.
Something started with letter L. Yes, absolutely easy to be guessed.
When a seventeen year old girl talks about this, you know she's just babbling out. So that's why I call this "something taboo"

(p.s : I found this on tumblr. Kinda silly, thou. Hahahaha)

A thing that is often being
interpret, yet misinterpreted.
A word that is often being used, yet misused.
Poor you, Love.
I find myself scrutinizing my friends' tweets and facebook statuses which is 87% containing love matters. Then I ask myself (maybe just like what others ask to theirselves), what-is-love, uh?
Concisely, love is....... what stands between Landon Carter and Jamie Sullivan, or as simply as the way Ashton Kutcher looks at Demi Moore

I know I know, in real life, it can't easily be defined.

But these are some things I know for sure;
Loving someone because of his/her beauty & physical appearance can't be called loving, it's liking. Someday when you see him/her doesn't look as awesome as he/she used to be, you will be no longer liking him/her.
Loving someone because of his/her goodness & kindness can't be considered as loving, it's admiring. Someday when you find him/her doesn't behave as nice as you thought, you will be no longer admiring him/her.
And definitely, loving someone you barely know can't be counted as love, it's stupidity. Cause when finally you know him/her better, you might be disappointed.

People say "I love you" in ease, when actually they doesn't really mean it, even really doesn't know what it means. Look at this silly circle :

How come you say you love someone wholeheartedly but expect him/her to give his/her heart in return?
How come you say you love someone sincerely but all you ever think about is your own happiness?
How come you say you love someone wholemindedly but still hold on your pride instead of let your heart speaks?
How come you say you love someone deeply but easily letting him/her go instead of fighting for him/her?

How come you call it a true love but give up because of the circumstances?
How come you tell him/her "I love you" but couple months later eventually say "I don't love you no more"...?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sincerely, Your Sister :)

Aku nggak pernah sadar seberapa cepat kamu tumbuh.
Atau mungkin, aku yang nggak mau sadar.
Di mataku kamu tetep anak TK berbaju merah bercelana kodok warna biru dengan senyum paling imut yang adik-adikku punya, seperti yang aku lihat di foto itu.
Tapi lagi-lagi aku tutup mata, pura-pura lupa foto itu diambil sembilan taun yang lalu.
Bentar, aku pengen nangis nih.
*ambil tissue*
Ga jadi nangis deng.
Oke, lanjut.
Aku selalu nyangkal kamu lebih tinggi dari aku.
Aku bilang ke mereka, aku iri tinggiku dikalahin anak SMP.
Mereka bilang aku childish, nggak mau terima kenyataan bahwa wajar banget cowok SMP lebih tinggi dari cewek SMA.
Aku juga sering nggak terima kalo liat ukuran kaosmu lebih besar dari punyaku. Aku kan gendut, kamu kurus kering.
Harusnya kaos kebesaran ku bakal kebesaran juga di kamu.
Tapi lagi-lagi aku salah.
Sore itu aku liat kamu main bola pake kaosku itu *kampret kamuuu!* dan ajaibnya, it fits perfectly on you.
Padahal sebenernya aku cukup paham kok kalo sewajarnya kamu lebih tinggi.
Padahal juga sebenernya aku cukup paham badan cowok emang sewajarnya lebih besar dari cewek.
Ketidakterimaanku itu cuma buat nutupin rasa nyesek, bahwa kamu bukan adik kecilku lagi.
Bahwa kamu bukan lagi adik yang bisa aku isengin, yang bisa aku bikin nangis, yang bisa aku ajak berantem.
Kamu udah tumbuh, jauh lebih cepat dari yang aku kira.

Jadi inget, malem itu sekitar jam 8, ibu nyuruh aku pergi beli makanan buat sarapan.
D : *keluarin motor*
H : Mau kemana?
D : Ada deh
H : Aku ikut
D : Apaan sih rese banget
H : Masa aku ngebiarin kakak ceweknya keluar sendirian malem-malem. Aku ikut.
D : *sembunyiin mata berair*
Dan akhirnya kamu yang boncengin aku malem itu.

Pernah, malem-malem aku masih melek gara-gara lagi mood belajar (dan ini cukup langka). Sekitar jam 1 waktu itu.
H : Mbak, kok belum tidur?
D : Belum ngantuk
H : Yang lain udah pada tidur lho
D : Makanya enak buat belajar
H : Buruan tidur, udah jam segini
D : Hmmm
H : *balik ke kamarnya*
D : *usap air mata terharu*

Terus kemarin, waktu aku bangun dari enam-jam-tidur-siang-ku gara-gara demam.
H : Kamu sakit toh Mbak?
D : He'eh. Badanku nggak enak banget
H : Mau tak beliin roti nggak?
D : Ngapain
H : Ya biar kamu bisa makan
D : Ya deh terserah *balik badan* *nahan nangis*

Kamu bukan tipikal cowok ramah, nggak kayak MasDim. Tapi diantara kejutekanmu itu kamu bener-bener orang yang peduli.
Padahal kamu galak. Tapi sebenernya kamu bener-bener baik.
Hal-hal sepele yang kamu lakuin bener-bener berarti.
Kalo MasDim yang gituin aku, wajar banget, dia emang orangnya care, lagian dia juga udah gede. Tapi giliran kamu yang ngelakuin, bawaannya terharu banget, mungkin karena aku selalu anggep kamu anak kecil yang cuek.

Hih, lagi-lagi bawaannya sedih, inget sebentar lagi aku kuliah dan nggak mungkin tinggal dirumah.
Perubahan apa lagi yang bakal aku liat?
Kira-kira masih sanggup nggak aku besok nahan air mata terharu?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hello, Time. Would You Please Stop Ticking?

Some people call me an extrovert.
Most of the time yes, I really am.
But since I'm still a human, I sometimes become introvert.
Being quite, brooding over everything.
Just like now.
DON'T SAY I'M GALAU-ING! *couuugghhhhhh*
No I'm not. *calm down*

I ever found this post on tumblr:

I waited no more second to click reblog button, then. That's soooo meeeeee~ ♥
I can't explain but if you ask me why, what's gonna pop up first on my might be....
"because I do enjoy this solitary moment"
I enjoy this kind of moment, when I'm all alone. Not literally alone, thou. But at least I'm the only one who's not sleeping here. And because alone doesn't mean lonely.
Anyway a perfect moment really means nothing without good songs. So here's my current playlist ☺
  • Blue Sky Collapse - Adhitia Sofyan
  • Cry - Mandy Moore
  • Only Hope - Mandy Moore
  • Vanilla Twilight - Owl City
  • Your Call - Secondhand Serenade
  • Only Hope - Switchfoot
  • Vegas Skies - The Cab
  • Breakeven - The Script
  • The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script
  • When You Love Someone - Endah&Rhesa
  • Wonderwall - Oasis
  • No Ordinary Love - MYMP
  • For The First Time - The Script

P.S : My laptop has been banned and been hidden by mom for the next three weeks. Actually I'm the one who requested it but now I skulk to write this post on my pc. I just don't wanna lose the moment :p

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blue Sky Collapse

This song never gets me bored

Blue Sky Collapse - Adhitia Sofyan

As I walk to the end of the line
I wonder if I should look back
To all of the thing that was said and done
I think we should talk it over
And I notice the sign on your back
It boldly says you gotta look away
I go on pretending I'll be okay
This morning, it hits me hard that
Still everyday I think about you
I know for a fact that's not your problem
But if you change your mind you'll find me hangin' on to the place
Where the big blue sky collapse
As I stare at the walls in this room
It's cracks resemble your shadow
When everyday I see time goes by
In my head, everything stood still
And I'm waiting for things to unfreeze
Till you release me from the iceblock
It's been floating for ages washed up by the sea and it's drowning
Thought you should know that
Still everyday I think about you
I know for a fact, that's not your problem
If you change your mind you'll find me hangin' on to the place
Where the big blue sky collapse
You see people are trying to find their way back home
And I'll find my way to you

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lesson Learned!

xivrusafl Lesson learned. What matters the most is your self-suggestion :>

I'm having a problem with my tummy while my body is craving for coffee all the time. Sounds so exaggerating but to be honest, that's my goofy fact. It's been a week since I drank my last cup of coffee and ended curling up on the floor dying. Ok, not that bad but likely like that.
This (or yesterday?) afternoon I was wanting coffee so damn much to boost my horrible *yes, waaaay more than bad* mood. But then I decided not to, and went sleep instead of go buy coffee. I thought my desire had successfully been beaten..

7.00 pm. I was waken up by my little brother. He said my friend came. Ewww my sleep was ruined -_-" I walked out my room with my half-opened eyes and dozy face.
"Hey wazzaaap?" *yawning*
"I texted you. Didn't you read it?"
"Eh? Nope. I always turn my phone off before sleep" *turn on my phone* "wow five texts and two of them are yours. Sorry"
"No problem. What happens eh?"
*squinting eyes*
"I mean, your tweets"
"Oh. Craving for coffee. But you know, my tummy sucks."
"Guess what?"
*squinting eyes*
*handed me bag*
"What's this? Coffee or chocolate?" *sparkling*
"Huaaaa thankyouuuuu" *widely smiling*
"With one condition. Suggest yourself you won't get any tummy ache tonight"
*nod with pleasure* "I hope so"

Been four hours since I drank my mochabella. And apparently Aye was right. All I need is self-suggestion. Alhamdulillah it works :D
Big thanks for your mochabella, Ye! And huuuuuge thanks for your advice!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Promise Me, Forever and Ever

"We used to share the same world, you and I went along together, and our conversation seemed like infinite. Now we live separately, you and I own a different world, so our conversation has a limit. What's gonna happen next, when we live in a different space? Can we stand for our conversation?"

One thing you didn't notice that afternoon; I was dying inside, when you said it.
Nothing last forever, they say. But believe it or not, some things are really meant to be forever. And I do hope this will be one of those 'some things'.
Thus, please, promise me forever...

The Best Way To Do A Suicide

Oh it's midnight and I can't even sleep. Wide-opened eyes and a terribly tummy ache mix perfectly.
I know I shouldn't have drunk coffee. But I just couldn't control myself. My bad..
Yet, a coin always has two sides, right? Look at the good side; this well-mixed-plague leads me into...*cough* perfect-study-time. Yes, midnight is perfect.
Ahhh but I'm dying. Like a serious; dying.

#notetoself drinking mochabella is the best way to do a suicide.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


"I'm tired. I'm fed up. I wanna stop. Just it.."
"This is your matter of course. You say you're tired, but you end up going the rounds instead of solving your problem"
"I can't solve this"
"Run! As far as you can, as fast as you can!"
"I'm tired even before I start to run. I can't imagine how tiring it will be. I can't..."
"Then what do you want?!"
"What would you do if you were me?"
"I'm not you"
"IF you were me. Oh come on"
"I would ask your advice just like what you do. So, IF I were you and you were me, what would you say to me?"
"What would you say to me? What would you advice me to do?"
"Stop. You'd better save your answer for yourself. That's all that you need"
"But giving an advice is way easier than actually doing it"
"That's it"
"Is he worth it?"
"Answer me. Is he worth it?"
"I don't know.."
"You know exactly the answer. You just don't admit it. C'mon, just for once, be honest!"
"I really don't know!"
"You know! Your heart speaks. It tells you what you should do. Your brain is the one who forbids you"

Monday, March 21, 2011

Oh It's Blue, It's Blue

Even I repeat it twice. It's blue. Ups, three times.
It's blue to know people don't respect you in the right way. When you've done your best but they just don't get it at all.
Four times.
It's blue to feel something cracks inside. Uh, it's broken. And a broken thing will never be fixed perfectly. Broken means forever. Forever blemish.
Five times.
It's blue to realize people misinterpret you. You do A they get B. You say C they hear D. You show E they see F. Everything is messed up in sudden, and they're pointing at you as the one who should be blamed. But you know there's nothing you can do but sighing and just let it be blowed up by them.
Six times.
It's blue to find out you yourself is sick of being good to people. It's a bad sign, yes I know. But it's tiring. Feel like you need to burst out loud just to let them know you're tired of how they expect you to be.
Seven times.
It's blue to hear your friend tells you the fact that you can never make everybody in this world happy at the same time, when you've worked hard to make it happens.
Eight times.
K. I'm done saying It's blue.
Fine, nine times.
I'm stopping.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ain't That Mellow

RT @AlberthieneE: Berbahagialah orang yg dianugerahi rindu. Kamu tahu, rasa itu tak bisa ditipu.

I ever heard that based on psychology study, someone who comes into your dream is actually the one who's missing you the most.
Hemmm. You popped up in my dream this dawn. You, in your red t-shirt, standing in the middle of the crowd and surprisingly, I recognized your presence, in a glimpse. That simple.
You're an old guy from the past. And I'm ensure that you're never gonna be here anymore. You had stayed too long. You should've been gone. Or everything will be a mess. No. Just... just go! I belong to my new chapter of life and please, don't be here. No no no I'm not begging. Ah.
You gotta know that I don't miss you. Oh I know, you won't read this. I write this just to convince myself, I don't miss you at all. So, are you the one who misses me that much? :p

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hello, Troublesome. Let's be friend!

Why is it so complicated? Things aren't going well lately. Too much thoughts inside this head, and I'm lack of focus. Too much problems, and none of them I can handle. Whatta mess.
Then who should be blamed? The circumstances, people around me, or me myself?

It's Called First

People ask me why it's so hard to trust people,
& I ask them why is it so hard to a keep promise.

I feel somehow a twinge of truth to this fact. Don't you?